Openstack configuration for a project by Horizon UI
We are going to create one tenant. one tenant is one project. Openstack has an admin project by default. but I will only use the admin project to manage OpenStack Platform. All the projects will be newly created on OpenStack Platform.
External = Provider
Internal = Tenant(Project)
<Project Creation>
1. Identity > Projects > Create Project
2. Name : Demo1 > Create Project
You can see the created project(tenant)
<User creation>
1. Identity > Users > Create User
2. Set UserName, Password, Confirm Password, Prime Project(in this case Demo1), Role > Create User
Role : _member_ = this user can only manage a Demo1 tenant. it's normal user.
admin = this authority can manage not only tenant but also Openstack Platform like a superuser.
3. Check up the created User
<Flavor creation>
1. Admin > Compute > Flavors > Create Flavor
Flavor is a selection of VM resource volume. Openstack has five flavors by default.
We are going to create our own Flavor.
2. Set name, VCPU, RAM, DISK, SWAP DISK > Create Flavor
This is for a very tiny VM.
3. Check up the created Flavor
<Image creation>
1. Admin > Images > Create Image
2. Set the Image Name, file, Format, Visibility, Protected > Create Image.
CirrOS is a linux for a test. you can get this image from this link cirros-0.5.1-x86_64-disk.img.
Note: In a CirrOS image, the login account is cirros. The password is gocubsgo. Since the fixed PW allows anyone to login, you should not run this image with a public IP attached. <>
Format : QCOW2 is more suitable than other types if the hypervisor is QEMU
Visibility : Public. it means this image can be used for other projects.
Protected : Prevent image from being deleted
3. Check up the created image