TCP server for IMF by python (1)Programming/Java_Shell_Python 2020. 5. 6. 15:11
We are going to code TCP server for receiving all the IMF data from DSC. Our purpose is to connect to DSC and receive and save data per 5min. We are going to continue how to code for these on next chapter. In this chapter, we will execute pre-requirement for this socket programming. 1. Python3 Installation for CentOS8 # sudo dnf install python3 # yum -y install python3-devel # yum -y groupinstal..
IMF - Integrated Monitoring Feed(2)Ribbon Communications/Signaling Transfer Point 2020. 5. 4. 15:54
IMF is a protocol having some information related to DSC. it is similar to HTTP. Mainly the IMF is used for tracing all the traffics on DSC. IMF can copy and send all the traffics which DSC routes. IMF stack is stacked upon TCP. What data does IMF have? For more details, you can refer to this,¯oName=div DSC is the TCP cli..
IMF - Integrated Monitoring Feed(1)Ribbon Communications/Signaling Transfer Point 2020. 4. 29. 13:42
On this page, I am going to cover Integrated Monitoring Feed. This is Ribbon proprietary protocol and default license. We can copy all types of messages being flowed on links such as LSL, HSL, SIGTRAN, DIAMETER to a server by IMF. For example, Ribbon DSC can act as STP and DSC. STP can have various links such as LSL, ATM, ANNEXA, M2PA, M2UA, M3UA, SUA. Messages flow via the links. We can copy th..