IMF - Integrated Monitoring Feed(2)Ribbon Communications/Signaling Transfer Point 2020. 5. 4. 15:54
IMF is a protocol having some information related to DSC. it is similar to HTTP.
Mainly the IMF is used for tracing all the traffics on DSC.
<IMF Concept>
IMF can copy and send all the traffics which DSC routes.
<IMF stack>
IMF stack is stacked upon TCP. What data does IMF have? For more details, you can refer to this, https://support.sonus.net/display/DSCDOC180/The+IMF+Interface?desktop=true¯oName=div
<Diameter IMF stack example>
<SS7 IMF stack example>
<IMF Connection>
DSC is the TCP client for IMF. DSC will initiate to send SYN to TCP server for IMF.
After establishing TCP session, DSC starts to send traffics to TCP server
<IMF configuration>
1. Creating IMF connection
Applications > IMF > IMF connections > Create
If you have DSC8k, set the slot number for Routing CPU cards. basically DSC8k has RCPU on slot3, slot12.
If you have SWe, set the VM number. basically DSC SWe has 1, 2.
2. Configuring IMF connection
You need IP and port for IMF connection with IMF TCP server.
If DSC does not respond, you should check a firewall on DSC.
You can use IMF TCP server product to see KPI and message analysis.
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