Ribbon Communications
MS Teams 다이렉트 라우팅 작동 방식Ribbon Communications/Session Border controller 2020. 6. 3. 12:47
이전 페이지에서 말씀드렸듯이 Teams와 PSTN망(무선전화, 유선전화)을 연결해주는 솔루션이 두가지가 있는데, Calling Plans은 한국에서 서비스하고 있지 않고 Direct Routing으로 가능하다고 설명드렸습니다. 원격 근무자들이 회사 내부에서 일하는 것처럼 영상회의, 영상 통화, 채팅, 파일 쉐어 등등 회사 내부적으로 할 수 있는 것 뿐만 아니라 회사 외부자들도 전화로 영상회의에 참석하거나 Teams를 통해서 회사 내부 전화를 받거나 Communication과 Collaboration에 관한 솔루션으로 Direct Routing이 있습니다. 좀 더 깊이 들어가 어떻게 Direct Routing이 동작하는가 살펴보겠습니다. 일반적으로 Voice에 대해서는 Signaling과 Media가 구분..
TCP server for IMF by python (1)Programming/Java_Shell_Python 2020. 5. 6. 15:11
We are going to code TCP server for receiving all the IMF data from DSC. Our purpose is to connect to DSC and receive and save data per 5min. We are going to continue how to code for these on next chapter. In this chapter, we will execute pre-requirement for this socket programming. 1. Python3 Installation for CentOS8 # sudo dnf install python3 # yum -y install python3-devel # yum -y groupinstal..
TFP Message control on RTIL - MTP3Ribbon Communications/Signaling Transfer Point 2020. 5. 5. 14:31
We have configured the above topology but a network is not always happy. Let's guess that a link is down between 4444 and 5555. What happens? NA4 4444 will send TFP message to all the linksets. the TFP letter says "I'm totally disable for DPC5555. Don't send DPC5555 messages to me" NA3 and NA6 which recieved TFP will mark LS4444 as 'Prohibit' for RS5555 and send TFP to NA2. NA2 marks 'Prohibit' ..
MTP3 Routing per linksetRibbon Communications/Signaling Transfer Point 2020. 5. 4. 17:57
This capture is about MTP3 routing per linkset. You need Advanced Managed Routing(RTIL) license for this. You have one Routeset by default. the name is STANDARD. You can find the list in NA. We are going to use NA3 for RTIL. 1. Adding Routeset on NA3 Applications > MTP3 > NA3 > Routeset List Selection > Create > I would like to use linkset name for the routeset name because the additional routes..
IMF - Integrated Monitoring Feed(2)Ribbon Communications/Signaling Transfer Point 2020. 5. 4. 15:54
IMF is a protocol having some information related to DSC. it is similar to HTTP. Mainly the IMF is used for tracing all the traffics on DSC. IMF can copy and send all the traffics which DSC routes. IMF stack is stacked upon TCP. What data does IMF have? For more details, you can refer to this, https://support.sonus.net/display/DSCDOC180/The+IMF+Interface?desktop=true¯oName=div DSC is the TCP cli..
IMF - Integrated Monitoring Feed(1)Ribbon Communications/Signaling Transfer Point 2020. 4. 29. 13:42
On this page, I am going to cover Integrated Monitoring Feed. This is Ribbon proprietary protocol and default license. We can copy all types of messages being flowed on links such as LSL, HSL, SIGTRAN, DIAMETER to a server by IMF. For example, Ribbon DSC can act as STP and DSC. STP can have various links such as LSL, ATM, ANNEXA, M2PA, M2UA, M3UA, SUA. Messages flow via the links. We can copy th..
MTP3 routing overviewRibbon Communications/Signaling Transfer Point 2020. 4. 29. 11:09
STP can execute Security and interwork and Message Modification and rate-limit and congestion control and so forth but the most basic and important function is MTP3 routing. What is MTP3? MTP3 layer in SS7 is like the IP layer. MTP3 has Routing labels including OPC, DPC and SLS. OPC is like Source IP and DPC is like Destination IP. ANSI and ITU variants are different for length. For more detail,..
Configuring Routing based on DPC (2)Ribbon Communications/Signaling Transfer Point 2020. 4. 28. 13:53
1. Configuring Routing for DPC on NA3 DPC is the terminated point. In this topology, we will consider NA1 and NA5 the ends. NA3 and NA6 will have two DPCs(1111, 5555). 1.1 Configuring Routeset 1111 on NA3 Applications > MTP3 > NA2 > Routesets > Create > DPC 1111, Destination Type: MEMBER > Create 1.1.1 Configuring Route 2222 for RS 1111 on NA3 Applications > MTP3 > NA2 > Routesets > MRS 0:1111 >..