Openstack instance access by CLI or PuttyCloud/Openstack_K8s_Docker 2020. 5. 22. 13:03
First of all, test1 has Key Pair(demo1.pem) and test2 does not have Key Pair. 1. Please follow below good link. Point is to extract private key from demo1.pem. 1. Put the demo1.pem on the controller node 2. Access by ssh with the pem. 3. Verify Finally you access the created instances. you can 1...
Openstack instance creation by Horizon UICloud/Openstack_K8s_Docker 2020. 5. 16. 12:14
We have created Openstack external and internal networks and R1 for the connection of two networks. Finally, we are ready to create VMs(instance) on Openstack. 1. Instance creation Project > Compute > Instances > Launch Instance 1.1 Details 1.2 Source 1.3 Flavor 1.4 Networks 1.5 Security Group 1.6 Key Pair > Launch Instance 2. Result you can see like below. Let's create another instance but plea..
Openstack Tenant Network for a project by Horizon UICloud/Openstack_K8s_Docker 2020. 5. 15. 19:43
We are going to create the tenant (internal) network. We already created one tenant and user for the tenant. if you forgot it, refer to Openstack configuration for a project by Horizon UI 1. Log in as a created user (demo1_user) We cannot see the Admin row bar because this user is a member user for a tenant. This project's name is Demo1. You can see the project name on the top beside of Openstac..
Openstack Provider Network for a project by Horizon UICloud/Openstack_K8s_Docker 2020. 5. 15. 01:40
In this chapter, we are going to create an External network. A member user in a project can create and modify internal network but only the admin user can create an external network. Now this is a network environment on this current step. we are going to configure the green line network on Openstack, not Linux host. 1. Admin > Network > Networks > Create Network 2. Set Name, Project, Network Typ..
Openstack configuration for a project by Horizon UICloud/Openstack_K8s_Docker 2020. 5. 14. 17:07
We are going to create one tenant. one tenant is one project. Openstack has an admin project by default. but I will only use the admin project to manage OpenStack Platform. All the projects will be newly created on OpenStack Platform. External = Provider Internal = Tenant(Project) 1. Identity > Projects > Create Project 2. Name : Demo1 > Create Project You can see the created project(tenant) 1. ..
Openstack Train Installation on Oracle Virtual Box (3)Cloud/Openstack_K8s_Docker 2020. 5. 12. 11:43
After installation, you can check all the network Openstack [root@controller ~]# ovs-vsctl show 4a857211-e1c7-4ca5-b16a-21dd7b05dcf6 Manager "ptcp:6640:" is_connected: true Bridge br-vlan Controller "tcp:" is_connected: true fail_mode: secure datapath_type: system Port br-vlan Interface br-vlan type: internal Port "enp0s8" Interface "enp0s8" Port phy-br-vlan Interface phy-..
Openstack Train Installation on Oracle Virtual Box (2)Cloud/Openstack_K8s_Docker 2020. 5. 11. 22:24
Please produce these steps on only Controller VM. 1. YUM package repository connection [root@Controller ~]# yum install -y centos-release-openstack-train 2. Packstack installation [root@Controller ~]# yum install -y openstack-packstack 3. Openstack CLI [root@controller ~]# yum install -y openstack-utils 4. Generate Answer file of Packstack [root@controller ~]# packstack --gen-answer-file /root/a..
Openstack Train Installation on Oracle Virtual Box (1)Cloud/Openstack_K8s_Docker 2020. 5. 11. 15:18
CPU : 4 Cores, I7-8650U RAM : 64GB OS : Window 10 1. Oracle VirtualBox installation 2. Centos7 download 1. Creating Controller and Compute VM 1.1 Controller VM Creation 1.2 Compute VM Creation 2. Setting up Network of VM 2.1 Host-Only Network Global Tools > Create > IP address :, mask : > Apply This Host-Only Network is for SSH connection to VMs from the host 2.2 Network ..